Tuesday, May 08, 2007

what happens now?

i was going to try and burn the scars of my arms today.
i have this really strong wart/ blister thing that literally burns the skin so the blister or wart thing dies. i tested it on my finger, it literally dies and the skin falls off in about 5 seconds, i was going to pour some on my arms but then i realised i might need more than a wet tissue and a couple of bandages, like normal. the scars from that wouldn't long purple lines.
the skin would die, and dad would find out so i put the bottle back in the cabinet and just went and sat in my room for a while, trying to calm down.
then i started wondering that if that stuff can kill tough skin on my hand, what would happen if i swallowed enough? it would burn and melt my throat.
so i wondered about should i throw it away because there are days when i want something like that so bad and now i have found it, do i have the strength to stop myself, pouring it over my arms, it would hurt like hell.
it would be like pouring acid all over me and watching my skin burn and die.
so, what should i do with it? hide it, never open the cabinet, throw it away?

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