Thursday, May 24, 2007

missing something.....

i feel like i am missing something. something that is very important.
i know it sounds really stupid because i never met him, but i really miss jhon. to me he was just a good mate on the other end of msn. but without him there it seems like there is just a gap. there is so many 'whats ifs' and future things that would have happened but now they can't...........
i need him sometimes, just to talk to, even though he didn't say helpful things all the time, just to have someone to listen. someone that doesn't think they already know about my life. because although bex is great at listening, she knows a lot about my life, so she has ideas about it before i tell her. with someone that knows nothing about me, they don't prejudge me. they just listen and help or just listen.
and this past month me and som have been so distant, arguing all the time and never seeing each other. sometimes i just make arguments just to have an excuse to talk to her. because if i don't i won't hear her voice or hear her say she loves me.
the one person that i really need is the one person who i can't have, and who is making it ache so much. i would never stop this for one moment though.
it just feels like sometimes i don't want to see her because everytime i do i have to say goodbye again. i will though, obviously, i will just have to get used to the goodbyes....

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