Sunday, April 30, 2006

beach time

i went to the beach today, i know that isn't really the trip of the year but i love the beach. it is so calm this time of year, before all the tourists come. just standing on the cliffs over looking the water line, what could be more calming???
if i had a boyfriend and he asked where do you wanna go i would probably think about taking the bus to the beach, the two of us could lay on a blanket, propped up on our elbows and talk about nothing and everything. i love imagining things like that. romantic in a strange way. i would prefer to spend time with my boy friend alone watching a film or going to the beach or a field somewhere and just chilling.
don't get me wrong, when someone turns the music up and it's dance music i can dance all night. i could dance fo hours, i absolutely love dancing. but sometimes its lovely to just chill and talk! boys hardly ever talk they wanna go and spend money. i don't really clothes shop or shoes shop that much at all. obviously i don't wear anything, i have lovely clothes, but i don't buy a new shirt every other day. whats the point? you could spend your money on something much more useful than the same shirt in every colour, couldn't you?

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