this person has fancied me since year 8, i didn't realise this, but what they didn't realise is that so had i them. it all spilled out the other day.
their parents found out and hate it, my parents know and are cool. the person is really upset though, i feel terrible for them, but we have sworn to stay together.
this relationship could cause problems in my friendships, some are fine with it some aren't, i don't know how they will react when they know. i don't want to cause problems, hopefully they will be the same as before and everything will be normal still. i don't want to lose any friends.
Sunday, July 30, 2006
my friends and the perfect song.

For my friends >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
It's the stuff that dreams are made of
It's the slow and steady fire
It's the stuff that dreams are made of
It's your heart and soul's desire
It's the stuff that dreams are made of
What if the Prince on the horse in your fairytale
Is right here in disguise
And what if the stars you've been reaching so high for

Are shining in his eyes
Don't look at yourself in the same old way
Take another picture
Shoot the stars off in your own backyard
Don't look any furtherAnd you will see
It's the stuff that dreams are made of
It's the slow and steady fire
It's the stuff that dreams are made of
It's your heart and soul's desire
It's the stuff that dreams are made of..
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
summer holidays
i am on my holidays now, well, it wednesday. so i been on holidays for quite a while now, lol. i have been reading my diary, i know boring but i like to see how far i have come. i can't believe how different i am in personality in just 4 months.
4 months ago was when i went through my bad depression stage, the not eating, the self harm, the tears that would never fall. i am so happy and glad to have such AMAZING friends, without i sometimes wonder whether i would still be here. that sounds melodramatic but it true.
i think when you come so close to utter depression and collapsing then you realise you never want it again. i have been taking life by the hand and giving everything i have. i still have problems with adjusting to my family, but at school i actually want to be there. i want to have challenges and see friends and have the fun.
at home my parents are always arguing, i think they don't realise what it does to the atmosphere; i remember clearly every fight they ever had. i can remember holding my little sister as she shivered with fright in my arms, wishing that both parents would come out alright from behind the door. on those nights i had to grow up, i wasn't allowed to be scared, i waasn't allowed to cry because i was responsible for my sister. it isn't her fault, i know that. it isn't my parents either. i just wish i could erase the guilt, regret and resentment welling up everytime i see them in a new argument. i just want to scream, don't you love me? don't you understand what you are doing to me?
i never cry, the tears are too well buried, i don't want them to rise for how will i stop them? every night i lay asleep and star at the ceiling, making death speeches. speeches to my friends, to my parents. speeches saying everything. sometimes i am close to death because of something i have done to myself, sometimes it is an accident. i hate them, why do i make speeches all the time like this? i won't need them. i have millions, they are my way of release, i can imagine my parents listening as they don't in reality. they listen from behind their bars in my dreams. they listen and they actually hear. everyone is quiet and they all listen, they all hear. they don't say anything, they don't give their opinions, i don't want them. but they hear me, and my parents say sorry, my friends say goodbye, they understand. they all hear me.
in reality my friends listen but i know they don't understand, they listen but they don't hear. the person in my head, the self harm, the not eating. i was fucked up, i will not deny that, i was. seriously messed up. i changed, i didn't want the lifestyle anymore. it wasn't helping me, it wasn't making me happy. it was ruining my relationships. it wasn't right. my mate, who went through the same sort of things, helped, just by helping them it helped me, i had a purpose, that was all i needed. i don't know if i helped them, i hope so.
4 months ago was when i went through my bad depression stage, the not eating, the self harm, the tears that would never fall. i am so happy and glad to have such AMAZING friends, without i sometimes wonder whether i would still be here. that sounds melodramatic but it true.
i think when you come so close to utter depression and collapsing then you realise you never want it again. i have been taking life by the hand and giving everything i have. i still have problems with adjusting to my family, but at school i actually want to be there. i want to have challenges and see friends and have the fun.
at home my parents are always arguing, i think they don't realise what it does to the atmosphere; i remember clearly every fight they ever had. i can remember holding my little sister as she shivered with fright in my arms, wishing that both parents would come out alright from behind the door. on those nights i had to grow up, i wasn't allowed to be scared, i waasn't allowed to cry because i was responsible for my sister. it isn't her fault, i know that. it isn't my parents either. i just wish i could erase the guilt, regret and resentment welling up everytime i see them in a new argument. i just want to scream, don't you love me? don't you understand what you are doing to me?
i never cry, the tears are too well buried, i don't want them to rise for how will i stop them? every night i lay asleep and star at the ceiling, making death speeches. speeches to my friends, to my parents. speeches saying everything. sometimes i am close to death because of something i have done to myself, sometimes it is an accident. i hate them, why do i make speeches all the time like this? i won't need them. i have millions, they are my way of release, i can imagine my parents listening as they don't in reality. they listen from behind their bars in my dreams. they listen and they actually hear. everyone is quiet and they all listen, they all hear. they don't say anything, they don't give their opinions, i don't want them. but they hear me, and my parents say sorry, my friends say goodbye, they understand. they all hear me.
in reality my friends listen but i know they don't understand, they listen but they don't hear. the person in my head, the self harm, the not eating. i was fucked up, i will not deny that, i was. seriously messed up. i changed, i didn't want the lifestyle anymore. it wasn't helping me, it wasn't making me happy. it was ruining my relationships. it wasn't right. my mate, who went through the same sort of things, helped, just by helping them it helped me, i had a purpose, that was all i needed. i don't know if i helped them, i hope so.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
:( :) :( :)
i have had such an exhausting day! i have been a bit tired all week but today i was at the point of collapsing, i was playing catch at school with som and i actually had to concentrate.
i was so knackered! i have felt as if i have nothing left to give, i'm dry, done with it all, i've nothing left in me to carry on, but i do.
the thought of my friends keeps me going, everyone morning my body has told me to stay, to go to sleep, it can't do it but everyday i drag myself up and get ready then pull myself onto my bike and haul myself half an hour to school, where i concentrate all day and pull out all my energy stops at school. i am always the first one up at lunch and first with the ball.
thats what we have become obssessed with at school recently, one of us found a tennis ball weeks ago, since we have been playing catch in the classrooms, on the field, everywhere. it is like breathing now almost lol. it sounds boring but it surprising how much fun it can be, how much fun one tennis ball can be.
i was so knackered! i have felt as if i have nothing left to give, i'm dry, done with it all, i've nothing left in me to carry on, but i do.
the thought of my friends keeps me going, everyone morning my body has told me to stay, to go to sleep, it can't do it but everyday i drag myself up and get ready then pull myself onto my bike and haul myself half an hour to school, where i concentrate all day and pull out all my energy stops at school. i am always the first one up at lunch and first with the ball.
thats what we have become obssessed with at school recently, one of us found a tennis ball weeks ago, since we have been playing catch in the classrooms, on the field, everywhere. it is like breathing now almost lol. it sounds boring but it surprising how much fun it can be, how much fun one tennis ball can be.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
pleasure wood hills
at school we went to pleasure wood hills, i have never ever been on any rides before or woteva. i went on wizzy dizzy first, i decided i wasn't going to be one of these people that doesn't like rides, i LOVED EVERYTHING ABOUT TODAY.LOL.
on the way home it was funny, i fell asleep against the window and som fell asleep on my shoulder, but tasha took a picture and woke us both up. som just turned around and she was all curled up on her seat with her feet leant against the seat in front, she looked so sweet.
i took a picture on tasha's phone, i was holding it at the time so thought i might as well. but som woke up just as it saved so i had to throw it back at tasha, som was a little stressed with me then but i cheered her up, lol. we couldn't be stressed for ages.
on the way home it was funny, i fell asleep against the window and som fell asleep on my shoulder, but tasha took a picture and woke us both up. som just turned around and she was all curled up on her seat with her feet leant against the seat in front, she looked so sweet.
i took a picture on tasha's phone, i was holding it at the time so thought i might as well. but som woke up just as it saved so i had to throw it back at tasha, som was a little stressed with me then but i cheered her up, lol. we couldn't be stressed for ages.
Friday, July 14, 2006
introduction to ma mates

i'll introduce you to some of my best gal mates:
Bex; i would probably have died without her, she is amazing and completely underestimated and taken for granted. She is loads of fun.
Tasha; she is like never embarassed and takes risks and is loads of fun, we always have loads of laughs.
Som; she is fantastic, so much fun and we always mess around, she always wins as she is so much stronger but i always look forward to seing to her. she makes me laugh everyday until my sides split lol!
Judith; she is really sporty and always makes the people around her want to join in. she is always happy and fun, amazing.
Kayleigh; she is fun and bubbly and is always up for a laugh.
in the picture is, in order of left to right; som, judith, kayleigh, tasha, india, bex. i am not in it because i was taking the picture.
best day in ages
i have had the most awesome day ever. at school today we had a sports day, i only did the triple jump and the sports mile but the whole school was allowed to just be on the field all day.
me, som, judith, tasha and bex were just messing around all day. me and som kept beating each other up, but in a good fun way.
it was one of my happiest days all year, literally. nothing happened but it was absolutely the best, so much fun, indescribable, absolute.
me, som, judith, tasha and bex were just messing around all day. me and som kept beating each other up, but in a good fun way.
it was one of my happiest days all year, literally. nothing happened but it was absolutely the best, so much fun, indescribable, absolute.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
isn't it funny
Isnt it funny that when you go to the shops with your friends you look down at the girl with black jeans and studs but smile at the girl wearing a a mini with a tshirt that barely cover anything?
Isnt it funny you can change your music taste to impress a guy but when it comes to a girl who likes her own music and her own style, you give her a mouthful?
Isnt it funny that a guy can get away with being a gangsta but the emo gets a mouthful from everyone
Isnt it funny an emo can be quiet all through the week but gets more shit from everyone than the girl who sleeps around and sells her virginity?
Isnt it funny that you dont mind your friends drinking, smoking but the minute someone mentions emo music you can give them a lecture on melodramatic teenage outcasts?
Its so funny that you and your friends can make a girls life hell and not know anything about the silent battle she might be fighting.
Isnt it funny that you can call emos, punks, goths the retards but still manage to get through your day without an inch of guilt in your heart.
How can you call a girl a poser, how can you say "you're emo" or "attention seeker" without spending a second trying to figure out why there are cuts on her wrists and why she spends her lunchtimes crying instead of laughing with her friends
Isnt it funny you can say and do all this without any idea of what is going on in this persons life
without knowing her situation with her friends or her family or her Life
Brave isnt going up on stage and stripping
Brave is not saying a speech
Or dumping your boyfriend
Brave is
Going to school on mufti day and not for a second caring what the whores around you are saying about your clothes
Its listening to your own music and being proud of it
Its going through every day with the things people say to your face and behind your back and you still keep quiet
Its knowing what your "friends" are saying about you and still calling them your friends
Brave is knowing that tomorrow isnt a bright and happy future
Its another day of bitching and dodging rumours
Isnt it funny you can change your music taste to impress a guy but when it comes to a girl who likes her own music and her own style, you give her a mouthful?
Isnt it funny that a guy can get away with being a gangsta but the emo gets a mouthful from everyone
Isnt it funny an emo can be quiet all through the week but gets more shit from everyone than the girl who sleeps around and sells her virginity?
Isnt it funny that you dont mind your friends drinking, smoking but the minute someone mentions emo music you can give them a lecture on melodramatic teenage outcasts?
Its so funny that you and your friends can make a girls life hell and not know anything about the silent battle she might be fighting.
Isnt it funny that you can call emos, punks, goths the retards but still manage to get through your day without an inch of guilt in your heart.
How can you call a girl a poser, how can you say "you're emo" or "attention seeker" without spending a second trying to figure out why there are cuts on her wrists and why she spends her lunchtimes crying instead of laughing with her friends
Isnt it funny you can say and do all this without any idea of what is going on in this persons life
without knowing her situation with her friends or her family or her Life
Brave isnt going up on stage and stripping
Brave is not saying a speech
Or dumping your boyfriend
Brave is
Going to school on mufti day and not for a second caring what the whores around you are saying about your clothes
Its listening to your own music and being proud of it
Its going through every day with the things people say to your face and behind your back and you still keep quiet
Its knowing what your "friends" are saying about you and still calling them your friends
Brave is knowing that tomorrow isnt a bright and happy future
Its another day of bitching and dodging rumours
nothing left in my life
i feel deflated. like everything around me is too unstable, nothing i can rely on. like evrything i had is slowly falling away.
I went through a rough patch, self harm, not eating, not sleeping and i am scared it will happen again because i can feel the same thing beginning.
i hate it, it scares me to death but i become obssessed. it's like being bullied, but i am the one hurting myself.
I went through a rough patch, self harm, not eating, not sleeping and i am scared it will happen again because i can feel the same thing beginning.
i hate it, it scares me to death but i become obssessed. it's like being bullied, but i am the one hurting myself.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
it only hurts when i'm breathing.
i feel like screaming, like, screaming until my lungs are broken and my throat is raw, my heart and head might stop screaming at me then. i play music full blast into my head so i can't hear what's already in there.
my mum and dad argue, snidy remarks, they don't shout, just whisper to eachother. as if me and hannah can't hear, i lay there at night, wishing it would stop. they used to fight, hit eachother, mum hit, dad hit. i used to think that it was dad's fault, but my mum is just as bad. they don't need to scream at me but i scream at myself enough as it is.
at school i smile and laugh, sometimes i truly forget but most of the time i feel fake. i feel pointless. i blame myself for their arguing. if i get better results at school they would be happier. i got two 7s in my SATs and when i told them, they said well done and virtually ignored me.
they are so wrapped up in their own arguments and pain to i am only human.
i may be younger than them, but i still feel as much pain as they do. i thought if i did extra work they would be happier and not ignore me, it didn't work. i started going to after school clubs so as to stay away from home.
my parents never get hurt badly when they fight, it isn't serious or anything. it's the emotional pain that hurts, not the physical.
i used to self- harm because it took the emotional pain to physical pain instead, but mum laughed at me and said i was attention seeking.
i go to friend's houses and think that their lives must be so much better than mine. i probably am attention seeking.
i have been to councelling but i stopped, not because i was better but because to bring happiness you need to get rid of pain, and i couldn't do it.
i love my parents, i do. i love them, but i sometimes think do they love me? i get good grades and they are proud, but do they really love me. they would save me, but is it because they truly love me unconditionally.
if they had the choice between perfect lifestyle and me would they stay or leave me? i haven't told anyone this because they won't believe me.
i want to cry, really badly, but the tears won't fall. they are too well held back, now they won't fall. i have prevented them from erupting so long now that if they do fall will i ever stop?
i want to scream, sing, dance, cry, sob. most of all i want to love. love someone who loves me. who shows it and who loves me through my faults, someone who i can be with and they won't question me, just listen. i don't want their opinion, just their support. i don't even need them to agree, just to be there if they do or don't. i want to be alone for a day, week, month, year. how ever long it takes for me to feel i can face the world without the constant fear of being knocked down. i smile and laugh, so why can't i cry? is there something wrong with me?
my mum and dad argue, snidy remarks, they don't shout, just whisper to eachother. as if me and hannah can't hear, i lay there at night, wishing it would stop. they used to fight, hit eachother, mum hit, dad hit. i used to think that it was dad's fault, but my mum is just as bad. they don't need to scream at me but i scream at myself enough as it is.
at school i smile and laugh, sometimes i truly forget but most of the time i feel fake. i feel pointless. i blame myself for their arguing. if i get better results at school they would be happier. i got two 7s in my SATs and when i told them, they said well done and virtually ignored me.
they are so wrapped up in their own arguments and pain to i am only human.
i may be younger than them, but i still feel as much pain as they do. i thought if i did extra work they would be happier and not ignore me, it didn't work. i started going to after school clubs so as to stay away from home.
my parents never get hurt badly when they fight, it isn't serious or anything. it's the emotional pain that hurts, not the physical.
i used to self- harm because it took the emotional pain to physical pain instead, but mum laughed at me and said i was attention seeking.
i go to friend's houses and think that their lives must be so much better than mine. i probably am attention seeking.
i have been to councelling but i stopped, not because i was better but because to bring happiness you need to get rid of pain, and i couldn't do it.
i love my parents, i do. i love them, but i sometimes think do they love me? i get good grades and they are proud, but do they really love me. they would save me, but is it because they truly love me unconditionally.
if they had the choice between perfect lifestyle and me would they stay or leave me? i haven't told anyone this because they won't believe me.
i want to cry, really badly, but the tears won't fall. they are too well held back, now they won't fall. i have prevented them from erupting so long now that if they do fall will i ever stop?
i want to scream, sing, dance, cry, sob. most of all i want to love. love someone who loves me. who shows it and who loves me through my faults, someone who i can be with and they won't question me, just listen. i don't want their opinion, just their support. i don't even need them to agree, just to be there if they do or don't. i want to be alone for a day, week, month, year. how ever long it takes for me to feel i can face the world without the constant fear of being knocked down. i smile and laugh, so why can't i cry? is there something wrong with me?
Monday, July 03, 2006
omg, here i go again
i am so annoyed, i am doing loads of exercise and eating relatively good but i can't lose the fat arounf my legs. people at school say it isn't noticeably and when i told som i am heavier than her she didn't believe me, i suppose it makes me feel quite good. but what they don't get is that it isn't how other people see me as much but how i feel in my self.
i must be a really annoying person, always being so diffficult, i think i am really annoying and i try to hide anger and sadness because my friends don't need that do they!
i must be a really annoying person, always being so diffficult, i think i am really annoying and i try to hide anger and sadness because my friends don't need that do they!
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